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International Marketing


International marketing is always a fun class to teach, and it is even better when you can share it with International Students. The creativity, perspectives, ideas, and insight are invaluable.


The students presenting in the picture on the right needed to develop a marketing campaign that would address an environmental problem, which was the accumulation and abundance of plastic that riddles our oceans. Through research and prototyping, the students develop a campaign with a strong message about the impact of plastic waste in our oceans. They also designed and created a logo and t-shirts. The class and I then attended an international earth day event where we set up a table and gave away earth-friendly gifts and educated the public about the impact of plastic on our oceans. 

Below students had to choose a country to introduce and create a new product for McDonald's. Through research and development, this team of students came up with the McGyro, which would be introduced into the Indian Marketplace. We took the project even further and created the actual sandwich and had teams conduct a taste testing event on campus.

2021 Dr. Ronda Mariani

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